Deploying to IBM WebSphere

The example directory paths listed below are based on Solaris or Linux (referred to as Unix). The instructions are applicable to both Unix and Windows installations; however, the format of the paths for Windows would use the Windows format, that is, C:\JReport\Server instead of /opt/JReport/Server.

It is assumed that:

To deploy JReport Server to IBM WebSphere:

  1. Copy Derby jars in /opt/JReport/Server/derby to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere8.5.3.3/AppServer/lib directory.
  2. Start IBM WebSphere. Use the shell script /opt/IBM/WebSphere8.5.3.3/AppServer/bin/ <servername> to start the server. The default server name is server1.
  3. Access the WebSphere Administrative Console by using the URL: http://hostname:9060/ibm/console, where the hostname is host name or IP address, and 9060 is the port number.
  4. The login requires user name and password.
  5. After successfully log in, expand the Applications node, select Application Types and then Websphere enterprise applications.
  6. Click Install.
  7. Click Browse to select the jreport.war file, and then click Next.
  8. Keep clicking Next until you see the requirement for specifying context root.
  9. In the Context Root field, type a context path such as /jreport/, then click Next.
  10. Click Finish on the Summary page. The installing process may take several minutes, wait until the process is completed.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Select jreport.war and then click Start to start JReport Server.
  13. Access JReport Server using the following URL:



If you run into problems when using JReport Server in IBM WebSphere, send the log files of JReport Server to The following procedure illustrates how to generate the log files:

  1. Type -Dlogall=true in the Generic JVM arguments field. Go to Application servers > server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine to access this field.
  2. Restart the application server, and try to reproduce the problem. After reproducing the problem, send the log files in reporthome/logs.

    The WebSphere log files may also help to identify the problem. The most useful one is in /opt/IBM/WebSphere8.5.3.3/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/server1/SystemErr.log.

Note: For WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile V8.5.5.2, you need to do the following: