Save As dialog

This dialog appears when you click Menu > File > Save As (or the Save As button on the Standard toolbar) or click Save on the Web Report Wizard. It helps you to save the current web report, or save web report template if you are an administrator with the privilege of publishing resources. Options in the dialog vary according to the file type you select.

File Type

Specifies the type of the file. It can be Web Report or Web Report Template. The option Web Report Template is available to administrators with the privilege of publishing resources.


Saves the new file with the specified settings and closes this dialog.


Does not save the file as a new one and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

If you select Web Report from the File Type drop-down list to save the current report, the dialog appears as follows:

Save in

Specifies the directory in the server resource tree where you want to save the report. The folder may be Public Reports or My Reports. Use the button to go to the parent folder.

The resource table shows the resources in the current directory. Click the column names to change the order of the report in the table list if required.

File Name

Specifies the name for the report.


Displays the advanced settings.

If you are an administrator with the privilege of publishing resources, you are able to see the option Web Report Template from the File Type drop-down list. By selecting the option you can save the web report template in the current web report, the dialog appears as follows:

Template box

Lists the existing web report templates.

File Name

Specifies the name of the web report template. You can type the name as required to save it as a new wsld file or select one from the template box above to overwrite an existing wsld file according to Publish privilege, which is the system level authorization.