General tab

Before you can schedule a task, you first need to configure the settings in this tab. See the tab.

Schedule Name

Specifies the name for the currently scheduled task.

Enter Parameters

Specifies the parameter values if any to run the report. If you are running a page report, you need to select specific report tabs to run.

Select Report Tabs

Specifies the page report tabs you schedule to run.

Select Bursting Reports

This option is available when there are bursting reports in the current report. Select the bursting report you schedule to run. You can select only one bursting report at a time.

Once you choose to schedule to run a bursting report, you should at least either complete Bursting Configuration for the report or select Non-bursting result in order to submit the task.

Bursting Configuration

Non-bursting Result

If checked, the bursting definition will be removed from the report and the result will be generated based on whole data without data splitting.


Displays parameters of the report with your last-time saved default values, which could be the values saved in this tab last time, or in the Enter Parameter Values dialog or Parameter Settings dialog, or when advanced running the report, and for a web report, could also be the values saved in the Parameters panel. Edit the values according to your requirement. You may specify parameter values in these ways.

If you have not yet set the default values on the server, or if you did but your saved default values cannot fully match the current parameters, all the parameters will use their default values specified in the parameters' definition as the initial values.

If no parameter is used in the report, "No Parameter Needed" will be displayed here.

Use Saved Values

If it is available, you can select the previously saved parameter values to apply to the report and save parameter values for reuse later.

Save as default

Saves current parameter values as the default values for the report. It is a user-report level setting.

This option is an action and it takes effect after the task is submitted. Its initial status is always unselected.

For page reports, this option is available when Enable Setting Default Parameter Values For Page Report is checked in the Profile > Customize Server Preferences > Advanced tab.

For web reports, this option is available when Enable Setting Default Parameter Values For Web Report is checked in the Profile > Customize Server Preferences > Advanced tab.

Select Dynamic Connection

The section is available when there are multiple dynamic connections for the current log-in user. It allows you to specify a dynamic connection.

Data Source

Displays the data source name in the catalog.


Specifies a dynamic connection from the drop-down list.

Connection Properties

Shows the information of the selected dynamic connection, which is read only. For details about the propeties, refer to Edit Dynamic Connection dialog.

Report Information

Specifies the report information.


Lists information about the report.


Lists the catalog information.

Select Another Catalog

Specifies another catalog for the report in the Select Another Catalog dialog.

Report Version

Specifies the report version when you schedule a task. The default version is always the latest version.

Catalog Version

Specifies the catalog version when you schedule a task. The default version is always the latest version.


Specifies a priority level to the report running task. The priority levels are from 1 to 10 in ascending order of lowest priority to highest priority. This property is available to administrators. By default this property is ignored unless is modified to set queue.policy not equal to 0.

Advanced section

Configures some advanced settings.

Enable Style Group

When this option is disabled as default, use the style group properties of the selected report tabs or web report for corresponding export formats that are predefined in JReport Designer to do the schedule. These predefined style group properties take effect when publishing to version/disk/e-mail/FTP.

When this option is enabled, you are allowed to select a style group from the Style Group drop-down list to apply it to all the selected report tabs or web report for all export formats. This setting will cancel all the style group properties of the selected report tabs or web report for all export formats that are predefined in JReport Designer and replace them all with the value specified here.

Enable Converting Encoding

Specifies to enable the conversion of encoding. From the Before Converting and After Converting drop-down lists, select encodings as required.

Enable NLS

Specifies whether to enable NLS for the report. If checked, the Using Language drop-down list will be displayed for you to choose a language.



Specifies the encoding of the report from the drop-down list.

Connect to [Data Source Name]

Specifies the DB user and password with which you want to connect to the data source the report uses.

Add TaskListener to be Invoked

Enables you to call the Java application before/after viewing or when scheduling the report.

Specify a preferred server to run the task

Enables you to directly specify a server in a cluster to perform the schedule task instead of using load balancing. This option is available only when there are more than one active server in a cluster and when the Identify Server Preference option in the Profile > Customize Server Preferences > Advanced tab is selected.

Enable Auto Recover Task

Specifies to enable the task to be auto recovered.