Service panel

This panel allows you to configure the service settings of JReport Server. See the panel.

The following are the options available in the Service panel:


Specifies a port as the TCP port on which JReport Server listens.

When you start JReport Server, you will need to specify a port as the TCP port on which the server listens. The port can be an integer between 1 and 65535. However, numbers less than 1024 are usually reserved by system, and so numbers larger than 1024 are preferred. JReport Server uses 8888 as the default port.

Dashboard Port

Specifies the port for accessing JDashboard page.

Administration Port

Specifies the port used for remote administration. If JReport Server is running as a standalone web server, the administrator can specify the port for client users to configure and administer the server remotely. This port is where the servlet for remote administration (jet.server.servlets.RcServlet) listens. The default administration port is 8889.

Maximum Number of Handlers

Specifies the maximum number of connection handlers.

A connection is set up between the server-side and a client-side when a request from the client-side reaches the server. The maximum number of requests that can be handled depends on the maximum number of handlers. When there is a limit on the maximum number of connection handlers, if there are no free connection handlers available, a request from the client-side will be blocked. In which case, the request will either be handled after a connection handler has been set free, or be refused when timeout occurs. A connection handler is set free after the server sends a response to a client request.

Maximum Number of Connections

Specifies the maximum number of HTTP connections between the server-side and client-side.

The maximum number of connections depends on the number of requests that can be handled. It should be larger than the maximum number of handlers. For example, if the maximum number of handlers is 10, and the maximum number of connections is 12, when the eleventh and twelfth requests come, they will be blocked until a handler has been set free. When the thirteenth request comes, it will be refused.

Connection Timeout in _ Milliseconds

Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds for a request from a client-side to be blocked before being refused by the server. A request will be blocked if there are no free connection handlers in the server. However, it cannot be blocked forever, and if there are still no free connection handlers after the time specified here (in milliseconds), then the request will be refused back to the client.

Enable Secure Socket Layer Connection

If enabled, you can use HTTPS schema to visit JReport Server UI in the standalone mode.

Servlet Properties File Name

Displays the full path of the property file of the servlet jet.server.servlet.JRServlet.

Assuming that JReport Server has been installed to C:\JReport\Server, the servlet property file is C:\JReport\Server\bin\

Active Realm

Specifies the realm that will take effect when the server starts up.

A realm is the context of JReport Server where the entities reside. A user is a kind of entity that is contained in a realm. Different users in one realm must have different names. There can be multiple realms in the server, but only one is active at runtime. Only the users and resources in the active realm are accessible. Realm names cannot contain the "/" or "\" character.

Provide Service On

Specifies whether JReport Server listens on all network addresses or just some.


Active Host Address

Lists the current active host' address.


Applies changes to JReport Server.