Export panel

This panel allows you to configure the default settings for exporting report result in JReport Server. It is divided into three tabs:


Saves changes made in this panel. The changes will be applied the next time JReport Server starts.

E-mail tab

Configures the default settings for exporting report result to e-mail. See the tab.

The options available in this tab are as follows:

SMTP Server

Specifies the numeric or named host of the machine where the e-mail server is located.

SMTP Server Port

Specifies the port where the e-mail server runs.

Server Requires Authentication

This option must be checked if an SMTP Server requires authentication.

Server Requires a Secure Connection (SSL)

This option must be checked if an SMTP Server requires a secure connection (SSL).

E-mail Address

Specifies the address of the e-mail sender. You must specify an address and make sure that the format of the specified address is valid.

Default E-mail Format

Specifies how a published report is sent out by e-mail. The format can be any of the following:

Compress Attachment as Java Archive

Specifies whether or not to compress the mail attachment as Java Archive.

Maximum Split PDF File Size (KB)

Specifies in KB the largest size each PDF file could have after splitting.

Maximum Split PDF File Page

Specifies how many pages each PDF file could have at most after splitting.

If you choose to split a PDF file by file size, then how to split the PDF file depends on the following two aspects:

Here the before-split PDF file refers to the big PDF file to be split and an after-split PDF refers to one of the smaller PDF files generated after splitting the big PDF file. When a PDF file is to be split by file size, the splitting will be carried out based on the pages the file separates but not physically on the maximum file size specified for an after-split PDF file. However, the maximum file size helps to decide by which page to split: the page that the maximum size comes to is not included with the previous pages in an after-split file, but instead is the beginning page of the following after-split file. For example, there is a 2M PDF file with 1M per page. If the maximum file size is set to 1.5M, we will get two PDF files with each 1M and one page as the split result.


Fax tab

Configures the default settings for exporting report result to fax. You can specify to export the report result either via a fax machine or a fax server. See the tab.

Fax Machine

JReport supports exporting report result to fax. If you want to use this feature, you will need to configure your running environment first.

Download Java Communications API (Version 2.0) from the website http://www.jinfonet.com/download/third_party_tool/JavaCommAPIV2_Solaris.zip for Solaris and http://www.jinfonet.com/download/third_party_tool/JavaCommAPIV2_Win32.zip for Win32, and place the following files in the specified locations:

The following are options available when Fax Machine is checked:

Fax Server

If you choose to export the report result via a fax server, configure the following settings according to your requirements:

Layout Precision tab

Configures the precision level for different formats with which the report result will be exported. The settings of high/low precision take effect only in the report tabs whose Precision Sensitive property is set to true in the Report Inspector of JReport Designer. See the tab.

Customize for each format

In order for the pre-defined default precision for a format to take effect, you need also check the checkbox before the format. For formats that are not checked, JReport will decide their precision.

Note: The RSD format controls only the Page Report Result format in the Schedule dialog.

Optimize for speed over visual effect

If checked, the report result will be exported with precision level decided by JReport.