Cube Configuration dialog

This dialog appears when you click Configuration in the Cube dialog. This is used for specifying the allowed maximum cube memory size. See the dialog.

The options available in this dialog are as follows:

Maximum Cube Memory Allowed

Specifies the allowed maximum cube memory size in megabytes. The total allocated memory for each cube cannot exceed this value. It does not take into consideration the actual memory used by the in-memory or if some of the cubes are swapped to disk. This value should not be larger than 80% of your Java Heap size.

The value must be provided before the admin schedules a cube task for the first time. It can also be specified by the property "server.cube.maxmemory" in the file in the <install_root>\bin directory.


Applies the setting.


Resets the setting to the last saved value.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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