Report Cache panel

The panel is displayed after you click Cache > Report Cache on the system toolbar of the JReport Administration page.

To improve performance, JReport Server enables you to cache reports and catalogs into memory so that they do not have to be loaded from disk when they are required. Note that when you run a report in Page Report Studio, the report and the catalog will not be cached.

See the panel.

Cache Loaded Catalogs

Specifies whether to keep a catalog in memory or to remove it from memory after a report has been generated.

Usually, after a report has been generated, the catalog used to generate it is removed from memory. However, if you specify this option, the catalog will be cached instead of being removed.

Cache Loaded Reports

Specifies whether to keep the reports in memory or to remove them from memory after they have been generated.

Report Buffer Size for Sort Action

This option is not available to organization admin.

Note: Any change to the buffer size will take effect immediately.


Applies the changes to JReport Server.