Save As dialog

This dialog is used to save different resources when it is accessed from different places.

When the dialog is used to save dashboards, it contains the following options. See the dialog.

Save In

Specifies the directory in the server resource tree where you want to save the dashboard. Use the button to go to the parent folder. The root folder cannot be used to store resources.

Dashboards are saved in the My Reports and Public Reports folders together with reports.

The resource table shows the resources in the current directory. Click the column names to change the order of the resources in the table list if required.

File Name

Specifies the file name of the dashboard you are going to save, without suffix.


Closes this dialog and saves the resource.


Cancels saving the resource and closes this dialog.

Displays the help document about this feature.

Ignores the setting and closes this dialog.

When the dialog is for saving export or print layouts, it contains the following options. See the dialog.

Existing Layout

Lists the names of the already saved layouts and the time when they were last modified.


Specifies the name of the layout you are going to save. Characters supported in file names can be used here. No suffix is required.


Saves the current layout.


Ignores the setting and exits the dialog.

Displays the help document about this feature.

Ignores the setting and closes this dialog.