Real-time Settings dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click a real time chart and select Real-time Settings from the shortcut menu. It helps you to configure the settings for the real time chart. See the dialog.

Refresh Interval

Specifies the time interval at which the chart will get data and refresh itself automatically.

Show Most Recent N Points

Specifies the number of records that will be kept for the real time data on the chart.

Incremental Fetch

Opens the Unique Key dialog to configure a unique key for the real time chart.

Use Scrollable Bar

If checked, a scrollbar will be added to the chart, with which you can control the visible value range on the X axis of the chart.


Closes this dialog and applies the settings to the real time chart.


Cancels configuring the settings and closes this dialog.

Displays the help document about this feature.

Ignores the setting and closes this dialog.

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