Search dialog

This dialog helps you to find specific text in a report. See the dialog.

The content can be found in two places - in the values of a certain field, or in the report content.

Select Field

Specifies the field in which you want to find the text. Disabled when Search in Whole Report is checked.

Value Range

Specifies the range of the displayed values so that you can select a required value quickly from the Value field. Disabled when Search in Whole Report is checked.

Note: If All is selected in the Value Range drop-down list, the only item in the Value drop-down list will be All and you cannot change the value, in which case, when you submit the search, JReport will search for all the values of the selected field.


Specifies the text you want to find. When Search in Whole Report is unchecked, you can select a value from the drop-down list.

Search in Whole Report

Finds text in the report content. The Select Field drop-down list and the Value Range drop-down list are disabled when this box is checked.

Match Case

Finds text only if it matches the capitalization of the text you have entered.

Find Whole Word

Finds text only if it matches a whole word.

Highlight All

Highlights all the matching text.


Specifies the searching direction.


Searches the report or field value for the next match of the specified text.


Cancels the operation and closes this dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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