Encoding dialog

When a report designer links a trigger field of a master report to a detail report in JReport Designer, if he or she hasn't checked the option Use the same encoding and DB settings for the detail report as that of the mater report, then when the report is published to JReport Server and run in Page Report Studio, when you click the trigger field, this dialog appears for you to specify the encoding for the detail report. See the dialog.

Page Report

Displays the path and name of the current page report.


Displays the path and name of the current catalog.

Enable Converting Encoding

Specifies to enable the conversion of encoding. From the Before Converting and After Converting drop-down lists, select the encoding as required.


Specifies the encoding for the detail report.

Connect to [Data Source Name]

Specifies the DB user and password with which you want to connect to the data source used by the detail report.


Closes this dialog and applies the settings to run the detail report.


Closes this dialog and runs the detail report without regard to the settings.


Displays the help document about this feature.