Customizing warning messages

You can customize the warning messages when exporting the report result to XML through Page Report Studio. With this function, you can specify what you want to show as a warning message. The custom warning messages are supported across web browsers.

To customize the warning messages, you need to customize the jsp files using either of the following two methods:

Method 1

  1. Open the save_result.jsp file in the <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp folder with your favorite editor.
  2. Specify the value of customMsgForXML in the save_result.jsp to whatever you want. The value cannot be "" or null.
  3. Run a report in Page Report Studio, click Menu > File > Export to display the Export dialog.
  4. Select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list, and if necessary, modify other properties as required, then click OK.
  5. A warning message shows as you have defined.

Method 2

You can also export the report result via the Export panel instead of clicking Menu > File > Export. By default, the panel is hidden. So, the following is another way to create custom warning messages:

  1. Open the customize_panel.jsp file in the <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp folder with your favorite editor.
  2. Set the class of panelDIV to visibleMargin to show the Export panel on web browser.
  3. Specify the value of customMsgForXML in customize_panel.jsp.
  4. Run a report in Page Report Studio, and the Export panel together with the report shows.
  5. Select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list, and if necessary, modify other properties as required, then click OK.
  6. A warning message shows as you have defined.

For example, using method2, when you need to export the report result as XML, and if you want to show "This is IE Browser" while browser is IE, you need to set panelDIV in customize_panel.jsp file to visibleMargin as follows:

<div id="<%=DHTMLConstant.DHTML_PREFIX%>panelDIV" class="visibleMargin">

And then customize CustomMsgForXML in the same jsp file as follows:

String browserName=request.getHeader("User-Agent");
String customMsgForXML ="This is "+browserName;

Access JReport Server via IE, run a report in Page Report Studio, select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list in the Export panel, and click OK. Then a pop-up box will show you "This is IE Browser".