If your JReport Server is enabled with Visual Analysis, you can access Visual Analysis directly from JDashboard without having to switch to the server user console. Visual Analysis is loaded in JDashboard as a tab with full functionalities for you to perform data analysis with.
In the edit mode of JDashboard, there are several ways to access Visual Analysis:
You can take the following ways to access Visual Analysis for a specific Visual Analysis template.
In the edit mode of JDashboard, click Show Resources on the side bar to open the Resources panel. Then in the Reports node, browse to the target Visual Analysis template with .va as the suffix and drag it to the editing area, Visual Analysis will be loaded in a JDashboard tab.
After a Visual Analysis component is inserted in a dashboard, you can click on its title bar, focus on Analyze on the drop-down menu, and then choose an option:
Note that the changes made on the Visual Analysis component in Visual Analysis will be saved to the server resource tree, however, they will not be reflected on the Visual Analysis component inserted in the dashboard.