Schema support

JReport Server supports DBMS schemas in order to work well with DBMSs that are currently supported by JReport Server and that support schemas. Those DBMSs include Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase. You can specify schema information either in the dbconfig.xml file using the <schema></schema> tags, or in dsInfo by adding the attribute schema=schema_name.

Note: For Sybase, the schema name must use capital letters, for example, ABCDE.

In dbconfig.xml

Add the <schema></schema> tags in the dbconfig.xml file as follows:

<workspace name="defaultRealm"> 
    <database name="realmtables">
        <driver classpath="...">jdbc_driver_name</driver>

In dsInfo

Since the dsInfo supports JNDI and JDBC protocols, you can add the attribute schema=schema_name in the JNDI or JDBC statement. The JNDI approach is only available when deploying JReport Server into a Java Application Server, not when it is running in standalone mode.