Integrating JReport Server with your Java application server

After updating the datasource.xml file, you can integrate JReport Server with your application server.

If you are using a WAR file, make sure that the datasource.xml file is included in the WAR file. Before making the JReport Server WAR file, in makewar.xml in the <install_root>\bin directory, add <include name="datasource.xml" /> into the <zipfileset dir="${installroot}/bin" prefix="workspace/bin"> section. Before you deploy the WAR file to a web server, make sure that the datasource.xml file is included in the jreport.war/WEB-INF/lib/jrenv.jar/workspace/bin directory.

If you are integrating JReport Server to an application using a non-JReport WAR file, usually you need to specify the -Dreporthome parameter in the application server so that the application server can locate and load the resources it needs. Since the datasource.xml already exists in the bin directory, you do not need to do anything special for this file.