Installing the Result Viewer Bean
When you install JReport Designer, which by default is located in C:\JReport\Designer
, JReport Result Viewer Bean is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the main components in <install_root>
as follows:
- lib\JRResultViewer.jar*
Jar file for the Result Viewer Bean.
- lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar*
Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system.
- lib\activation.jar
Jar file for exporting to mail.
- lib\mail.jar
Jar file for exporting to mail.
- lib\resource.jar
Archive file used when exporting to XML.
- lib\xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar
Jar files used when exporting to XML.
- lib\itext_1.5.4.jar
Jar file used when exporting to PDF.
- lib\iTextAsian.jar
Jar file used for the Asian fonts.
- lib\poiHSSF_151.jar
Jar file used when exporting to Excel.
- SwingDesigner.jar
If RPTExecutor UDO has been inserted into a report, to view the correct result, this jar file should be added to the class path that starts the Result Viewer Bean.
- Readme.htm, License.htm
Release information.
- help\samples\APIViewResult\TestResultBean.java
A sample program to demonstrate how to display the result.
- * means that these files are required when you call the Result Viewer Bean.
- Other files without * should be added to your class path to call the Result Viewer Bean.
For example, when you want to use the Result Viewer Bean to export a result file to mail, you should add mail.jar and activation.jar with a valid path to your class path, and when you want to export the result file to XML, you should add resource.jar with a valid path to your class path.