Getting report metadata information
Dataset information can be got by the method
getDataSet(), which returns the dataset object. Then the following report metadata information can be got from the dataset:
Getting basic information
- getName()
Returns the dataset name.
- getDataSourceName()
Returns the name of the data source used to build the data component.
- getResourceType()
Returns the resource type. 1 means query, 2 means business view, and 3 means business/report cube.
- getBlName()
Returns the information of the query, imported SQL, stored procedure, user defined data source, business view, or business/report cube used to build the data component.
- getMaxRecords()
Returns the maximum number of records you want to display for all of the data containers using this dataset.
- setMaxRecords(int maxRecords)
Sets the maximum number of records.
- getDataDriver()
Returns the path of the cached query result file that is used as the data resource.
- setDataDriver(String dataDriver)
Sets the path of the cached query result file.
- getSecurityPolicyName()
Returns the security policy name that is applied to the data component.
- setSecurityPolicyName(String securityPolicyName)
Sets the security policy name.
Getting query information
The following methods are used to get information of the query, imported SQL or other data objects that are used to create the dataset.
- getQueriableName()
Returns the name of the query, imported SQL, stored procedure, or user defined data source.
- getDataFieldNames()
Returns a collection of data field mapping names that the dataset uses.
Getting business view information
The following methods are used to get the business view information that is used to create the dataset.
- getBVName()
Returns the business view name.
- getQueriableName()
Returns the name of the query, imported SQL, stored procedure, or user defined data source that is used to create the business view.
- getElementNames()
Returns a collection of the qualified names of the business view elements that the dataset uses.
- getDisplayName(String qualifiedName)
Returns the display name of the business view element that has the qualified name.
- getMappingName(String qualifiedName)
Returns the mapping name of the queriable object data field used to create business view element that has the qualified name.
Getting business/report cube information
The following methods are used to get the business/report cube information that is used to create the dataset.
- getCubeName()
Returns the business/report cube name.
- getQueriableName()
Returns the name of the query, imported SQL, stored procedure, or user defined data source that is used to create the business/report cube.
- getElementNames()
Returns a collection of the qualified names of the business/report cube elements that the dataset uses.
- getDisplayName(String qualifiedName)
Returns the display name of the business/report cube element that has the qualified name.
- getMappingName(String qualifiedName)
Returns the mapping name of the queriable object data field used to create business/report cube element that has the qualified name.
Getting data buffer information
- getMaxPageNumber()
Returns the maximum number of pages in the data buffer.
- setMaxPageNumber(int maxPageNumber)
Sets the maximum number of pages.
- getRecordsPerPage()
Returns the number of records in each page in the data buffer.
- setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage)
Sets the number of records in each page.