Connection-scope security

A connection-scope security policy is used to refer to a data source security entry in a catalog. It allows you to control user access to different subsets of data, and ensures that people only see what they are supposed to see: certain records and/or columns.

If you want to implement the same security policy in a group of reports, you can simply apply an existing security policy to the reports, without having to repeatedly build the security information for each report. The following diagram illustrates the security structure of the connection-scope security policy.

The major steps for using RLS and CLS with a connection-scope security policy are as follows:

  1. Set up the security policy.

    You use this step to set up the security policies for different report categories. The predefined security policies work within a connection range.

  2. Apply the security policy to your reports.

    After you have defined the security policies, you can then apply them to your reports respectively.

  3. Publish the reports with RLS (CLS) to JReport Server and run them.

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