Saving a page report

After you have created or modified a page report, you should then save it in order to be able to load it the next time.

By default, page report files contain a .cls suffix. This is the format that provides optimal performance in the JReport toolset. Page report files can also be stored in the following formats:

Saving a page report in its current format

To save a page report in its current format, click File > Save on the menu bar, or the Save button on the Standard toolbar. If the page report to be saved is new, the Save Report As dialog will appear for you to input a name.

This operation can also be accomplished by pressing the Ctrl + S keys.

Saving a page report in a different name in the current directory

  1. Click File > Save As on the menu bar.
  2. In the Save Report As dialog, type a new file name in the Report Name field.
  3. Select a report type from the Report of Type drop-down list.
  4. Click Save to save the page report in the new name.

Saving a page report to a different catalog

Since the resources for a catalog file are shared by all reports based on it, if you have different developers develop reports at the same time, and you want to use the same catalog in order for all the resources to be reused, you can have them save their reports with their related resources to a "universal" catalog file. In this way, the to-be-saved report's resources such as queries, formulas, and parameters will be merged into the target "universal" catalog file.

To save a page report to a different catalog:

  1. Click File > Save To on the menu bar.
  2. Browse to the location of the target catalog, then click Save.
  3. In the Warning message box, click Yes.

    This saves your report into a target catalog file, which means:

In this way, even while users work with their own individual catalog files, they can still publish their reports and associated resources to the target "universal" catalog file. Note that JReport does not handle the concurrent issue. Two people cannot update the "universal" catalog at the same time.

See also Merging catalogs for more information about the Save To command.