Setting filter options for a field

In Page Report Studio, when you right-click a field (including DBField, formula, summary and label) you will find the Filter submenu. This submenu can list items such as Remove Filter, Top N, Bottom N, and More. With these menu items you can easily filter the records. If you do not want to show some of the four items for a field, you can set the filter options in JReport Designer as follows.

  1. Select the field and locate its Filter Options property in the Report Inspector.
  2. Click to bring out the Filter Options dialog. See the dialog.
  3. Check the items you want to show on the Filter submenu of the field in Page Report Studio, and then click OK.
  4. The properties value will be generated, equal to sum of values of those selected items. The items and corresponding values when checked are as follows:

    Remove Filter: 1
    Top N: 2
    Bottom N: 4
    More: 8
    Default: 16

  5. After saving the page report and publishing it to JReport Server, you will see the effect.

Note: In the Filter Options dialog, only when Default is deselected will the remaining four checkboxes be enabled. If you check Default, they will be disabled, but their values will still affect the Filter Options property value. If Default is checked (Filter Options >= 16), which items will be displayed on the Filter submenu in Page Report Studio will be determined by settings in the Profile dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Customize Profile > Properties > Default Properties > Filter Menu).