Creating and modifying a union query

The Union option in the Query menu of the Query Editor enables you to combine specified records from more than one query into a result set.

To create a union query:

  1. Right-click on a selected query (here we call it primary query) and select Edit Query.
  2. In the Query Editor, select Union from the Query menu, and then click Create.
  3. Specify a name for the query in the Input Query Name dialog, and then click OK.
  4. A new Query Editor will be opened. Create the query as required in the editor.


After a union query is set up, you can also modify it at any time.

To modify a union query:

  1. Right-click on the primary query and select Edit Query.
  2. In the Query Editor, click Query > Union > Select to bring up the Union dialog. See the dialog.
  3. To add a union to the query, select a union from the Queries box, and then click . To remove a union from a query, select a union from the Union box, and then click .
  4. In the Union box of the dialog, select the Attribute column to specify the type of the union.
  5. When done, click OK to confirm the changes.