Geographic map area

The properties of a geographic map area are:

Property Name Description
Boundary Color Specifies the color of the area border. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill effect.

Data type: String

Boundary Style Specifies the line style of the area border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Boundary Width Specifies the width of the area border. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Invisible Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All formulas and calculations will be skipped if the property is set to true.

Data type: Boolean

Note: When both the Invisible and Suppress properties of an object are set to true, Suppress has the higher priority.

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to its parent data container.

Data type: Boolean