Heat map rectangle title

The properties of the rectangle titles in a heat map of a page report are:

Property Name Description
Class Type Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.
Instance Name Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Text Format
Bold Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Size Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Format Indicates the data format depending on the data type of the group field.
Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to HTML format.
  • true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer (HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
  • false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files, the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.

Data type: Boolean

Italic Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Strikethrough Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean

Underline Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Height Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change the height. Enabled when it is a horizontal banded object.

Data type: Float

Background Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000), choose/create a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Foreground Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000), choose/create a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Class Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.

Data type: String

ID Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report. The ID property can be a style sheet selector.

Data type: String

Style The property can be used in two ways.
  • Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report tab level and when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the style name.
  • Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report tab level must be set to true for this property to take effect.

Data type: Integer

Row Index Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report tab level must be set to true for this property to take effect.

Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Left Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Right Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Top Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Border Color Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xCCAA00), choose/create a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Border Thickness Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Left Line Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Right Line Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Shadow Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.

Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000), choose/create a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill effect.

Data type: String

Top Line Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000), choose/create a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill effect.

Data type: String

Pattern Style Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • none - No pattern will be applied to the object.
  • 50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.
  • horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.
  • vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.
  • grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the Pattern Color.
  • diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Invisible Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.

Data type: Boolean

Anchor Display Value Specifies a string or formula to display for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC Browser. By default it is the value of the specified object. The TOC Anchor property must be set to true for this property to take effect.

Data type: String

TOC Anchor Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC Browser for the report.

Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to the object.

Data type: String

External CSS Class Selector Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a valid class name from the CSS file.

Data type: String

External Dir It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies the directionality of tables. Possible values:
  • LTR - Left-to-right text or table.
  • RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which must be unique in the report.

Data type: String

External Style It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the object.

Data type: String

External TabIndex It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater than 0 and less than 65535.

Data type: Integer

External Title It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about the object.

Data type: String

HrefLang It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.

Data type: String

Language It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the object's attribute values and text content.

Data type: String

LongDesc It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long description of the object.

Data type: String