XML connection

The properties of an XML connection are:

Property Name Description
Date Format Specifies the default format for data of Date type.

Data type: String

Default Specifies whether the connection is the default connection in the current data source. By default, the first added connection in a data source is the default connection of the data source. A data source can have zero or one default connection.

Data type: Boolean

Description Specifies the description of the XML connection.

Data type: String

Name Specifies the full path of the XSD file.

Data type: String

Name Pattern Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • unqualified name - Neither catalog nor schema is included in data manipulation. Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
  • 2-part names - Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c FROM schema.t
  • 3-part names - Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from catalog.schema.t

Data type: Enumeration

Time Format Specifies the default format for data of Time type.

Data type: String

Timestamp Format Specifies the default format for data of Timestamp type.

Data type: String