
The properties of a table/view are:

Property Name Description
Collection Name Specifies the name of the collection in the MongoDB database. Available for tables in MongoDB connection only.

Data type: String

Database Name Specifies the name of the database in the MongoDB connection. Available for tables in MongoDB connection only.
  • If the database you specify exists in the MongoDB data source, it will connect to the new database.
  • If the database you specify does not exist in the MongoDB data source, no data will be got.

Data type: String

Description Specifies the description of the table/view.

Data type: String

Element Path Specifies the element name path from the top level document if the table is mapped to a document array element. The path are the element names separated by ".". It will be blank if the table is mapped to the top level element. Available for tables in MongoDB connection only.

'\' is used as an escaped char. If the '.' and '\' are used in the element name, it will be recorded as '\.' and '\\'. Available for tables in the MongoDB connection only.

Data type: String

Linked Parameter Specifies the parameter to bind it to the parameter in OOJDBC.

Data type: String

Name Specifies the mapped table/view name in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String

Qualifier Specifies the name of the catalog which contains the table/view. Not available for tables in MongoDB connection.

Data type: String

Schema Specifies the name of the schema which contains the table/view. Not available for tables in MongoDB connection.

Data type: String

Table Name Specifies the name of the table/view in the raw database. Not available for tables in MongoDB connection.

Data type: String

Type Specifies the type of the table/view. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • Table
    Indicates the table type is Table in the database.
  • View
    Indicates the table type is View in the database.
  • Alias
    Indicates the table type is Alias in the database.
  • Alias Table
    Indicates the table type is Alias Table in the database. It will be created when a table is imported more than one time.
  • Alias View
    Indicates the table type is Alias View in the database. It will be created when a view is imported more than one time.
  • Synonym
    Indicates the table type is Synonym in the database.

Data type: Enumeration

A table/view contains several columns, the properties of which are shown in the following topic: