Query column

There are two kinds of columns in a query: table columns and computed columns, the properties of which are listed as follows. Note that, all the properties are read only for table columns, and some are editable for computed columns.

Property Name Description
Array Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Name Indicates the name of the column in the raw database. This property is read only.
Currency Displays whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal type fields are imported.
  • true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
  • false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean

Description Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width Specifies the display width of the column.

Data type: Float

Expression Specifies the statement of the formula. Available to computed column only.

Data type: String

Name Shows the display name of the column. This property is read only.
Nullable Specifies the nullability of the column's value.

Data type: Enumeration

Precision Specifies the precision of the column's value. The default value comes from data source meta data and it specifies the column's largest number of digits.

Data type: Integer

Scale Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.

Data type: Integer

SQL Type Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Integer