
The properties of a parameter are:

Property Name Description
Bind Column Specifies the bind column of the parameter.

Data type: String

Binding Specifies the parameter which will be bound with the current one to sort the column controlled by the current parameter.

Data type: String

Default Value Number Specifies the parameter value that will be prompted by default at runtime. If it is set to 0, the first parameter value in the Value property will be prompted; if it is set to -1, the last parameter value in the Value property will be prompted.

Data type: Integer

Description Specifies the description of the parameter.

Data type: String

Display Column Specifies the display column of the parameter.

Data type: String

Display Width Specifies the display width of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Distinct Specifies whether or not the text of the parameter is to be distinct.

Data type: Boolean

Get Value from API Only Specifies whether the parameter values can be input via GUI or not. If true, the parameter values should only be obtained from API. If false, the parameter can be obtained from both GUI and API.

Data type: Boolean

Hide Parameter When Single Value Returned When a parameter is bound with a column, you can choose to hide the parameter at runtime when only a single value is returned for the parameter, and the returned single value will be used as default value of the parameter.

Data type: Boolean

Import SQL Specifies the statement of the imported SQL file, which is created manually.

Data type: String

Maximum Value/Length Specifies the maximum value allowed for this parameter, or the maximum length for a String type parameter.

Data type: String

Minimum Value/Length Specifies the minimum value allowed for this parameter, or the minimum length for a String type parameter.

Data type: String

Name Specifies the name of the parameter.

Data type: String

Object Name Specifies the name for the OOJDBC class that is related to the parameter.

Data type: String

Object Parameter Name Specifies the parameter name for the OOJDBC class.

Data type: String

Operation Specifies whether or not to check the minimum and maximum values that you specified for the parameter at runtime. If -1, it will not check; if 1, it will check at runtime.

Data type: Integer

Prompt Text Specifies the prompt text of the parameter, which is used for prompting users to provide the value of the parameter.

Data type: String

Record Level Security When a parameter is bound with a column, you can specify a RLS policy defined on the bind column in the data source to the parameter, then at runtime, the specified SID will see the records he is allowed to view in the parameter value drop-down list.

Data type: String

Required Specifies whether or not the parameter will be treated as a required one.

Data type: Boolean

String Encoding Specifies the encoding for the parameter. This property is available only when the parameter's data type is String.

Data type: String

String Format Specifies the user-defined format of the parameter value. This property works only when the parameter's data type is String.

Data type: String

Treat Blank as Null Specifies whether or not to treat blank data value as null when the parameter's data type is String.

Data type: Boolean

Use Current Date-Time Specifies whether or not to use the current system's date time as value of the parameter when the parameter's data type is Date, Time or DateTime.

Data type: Boolean

Use Current Date-Time When Blank Specifies whether or not to use the current system's date time as value of the parameter when the parameter's data type is Date, Time or DateTime, and the parameter value is blank.

Data type: Boolean

User Defined Format Specifies the user-defined format of the parameter value.

Data type: String

Value List Lists values of the parameter. This property is read only.
Value Type Specifies the data type of the parameter. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the parameter according to the contents.

Data type: Boolean

Bold Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Size Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Format Specifies the display format of the parameter's value. The format varies with the parameter's data type and can be defined manually.

Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the parameter. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Italic Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Strikethrough Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean

Underline Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the parameter. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the bottom border of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Left Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the left border of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Right Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the right border of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Top Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the top border of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Height Specifies the height of the parameter, which takes effect when the parameter is inserted into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a proper height will be specified to the parameter by JReport automatically.

Data type: Float

Width Specifies the width of the parameter, which takes effect when the parameter is inserted into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a proper width will be specified to the parameter by JReport automatically.

Data type: Float

Background Specifies the background color of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Foreground Specifies the foreground color of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Border Color Specifies the color of the border of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Border Thickness Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the parameter. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Left Line Specifies the line style of the left border of the parameter. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Right Line Specifies the line style of the right border of the parameter. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Shadow Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the parameter.

Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Pattern Color Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Pattern Style Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • none - No pattern will be applied to the parameter.
  • 50% - The parameter will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.
  • horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.
  • vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.
  • grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified color.
  • diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

User Defined Format

For example, you define a parameter of Date type and the following formats can be recognized: M/d/yy; MMM d, yyyy; MMMM d, yyyy; EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy. But if you want to enter a value like 1996.July.10, you should specify the user defined format as yyyy.MMMM.d. But remember it is the entering format, not the display format. To customize the display format, go to its Format property in Report Inspector, enter your customized display format as yyyy.MMMM.d. Then when you enter 1996.July.10, it will be displayed as 1996.July.10.

For details about how to define a user format for different types of parameters, refer to User defined format for parameters.

Note: The letters standing for year, month, and so on are case sensitive and should follow the standard of Java java.text.DateFormat, java.text.NumberFormat, and so on.