Business/Report cube

The properties of a business/report cube are:

Property Name Description
Description Specifies the description of the business/report cube, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over the business/report cube in the Resource View panel of Page Report Studio.

Data type: String

Display Name Specifies the display name of the business/report cube.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the business cube runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the time will be unlimited. Note that for a report cube, this property is set on the query on which the report cube is created.

For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.

Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the business cube runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be unlimited. Note that for a report cube, this property is set on the query on which the report cube is created.

For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.

Data type: Integer

Name Specifies the name of the business/report cube.

Data type: String

Type Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This property is read only.
  • 0 - Business cube
  • 3 - Category
  • 4 - Dimension object
  • 5 - Measure object
  • 7 - Detail information object
  • 9 - Hierarchy

The following topics show properties of the business/report cube elements: