Library component view

A library component contains three parts: wrapper, configuration and content.

The wrapper defines some basic properties of the library component, such as the properties of the title and the CSS class that will be applied to the title bar. In addition, it also defines the auto-refresh rules, such as whether to enable auto refresh and the type of auto refresh. You can select the wrapper by clicking the Wrapper node in the Report Inspector.

The configuration panel shows the title bar and the panel is used to set parameter values for the library component, filter or sort on the library component, or change properties of the library component in the content. You can display the configuration panel by checking the Display Configuration Panel checkbox on the top-right corner.

The content contains a body and a page panel which has no page header or page footer. The body is a container containing a number of components such as charts, crosstabs, tables, geographic maps, labels, web controls and so on. The page panel is used to print or export the library component. You can bind data source to the content and create formulas based on this data souce to control the Invisible property of objects in the library component, whose parent does not have data source. For details, see Using formulas to control showing or hiding components.

The content supports auto fit only when the library component is published into the component library in JReport Server and is used in JDashboard. The style of the title bar, configuration panel and content borders are controlled by the JDashboard theme and the library component view in JDashboard is of the same style, which can only be edited in the CSS file instead of being edited individually. While, the body in the content and the components in the body, such as tables, charts, labels and so on can have their own formats and their properties that can be edited individually.