Specifying subreport location in the exported Excel file

If a report contains a subreport, you can specify where the subreport where be put in the exported Excel file in the following way:

  1. Open the report you want to export, which contains a subreport.
  2. Select the node that represents the subreport in the Report Inspector.
  3. In the Properties panel, set the On New Sheet property as required.
  4. Click File > Export To > Excel.
  5. In the Export to Excel dialog, make sure Report Format is selected.
  6. Set the other options as required.
  7. Click OK to start exporting.

    If you set On New Sheet to true, after exporting the report successfully, you will find that the primary report is exported into the first worksheet, and there are some links on it. Click the links to go to the subreport in the second worksheet of the Excel file.

Note: If the subreport are cut into several pages, that is to say you have defined some page settings on the subreport, the links in the primary report will be subreport1_0, subreport1_1, subreport1_2 and so on. You can click the link to see the corresponding part you want.