To Applet

JReport Designer can collaborate with a web server by exporting a report as an applet to a server. After publishing it to the server, you can then retrieve it by accessing the server.

Exporting the report results as an Applet to a server

To export the results of a report as an applet to a server, follow the steps below:

  1. In JReport Designer, open the report that contains the report tab you want to export.
  2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report tab.
  3. Click File > Export To > Applet.
  4. In the Applet Setting dialog, key in the server name and port number in the Server Name and Port text boxes.
  5. Check Run Linked Report if you want to include the linked reports in the exported applet result, and then click OK.
  6. In the Export to Applet dialog, specify the directory and file name respectively.

    For example, browse to the location where you want to save the file, type exapplet.htm as the file name, and then click Save. The file exapplet.htm and the report result exapplet.rst will then be generated.

Viewing the exported result file

Before viewing the exported result file of JReport using a web browser, you first need to make sure that your web server supports applets. Then,

  1. Copy the file viewer12.jar in <server_install_root>\lib to the document root directory of the web server.
  2. Copy the result file *.rst and *.html generated when exporting to any directory of the web server. For example, copy A.rst and A.html into <webserver_install_root>\test.
  3. Edit A.html (with a text editor) to make sure that all paths are valid. For example, change:
  4. Run the web browser with the web server to view the results.
