Search Reports dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a folder in the Reports tab of the Catalog Browser and then select Search from the shortcut menu. It helps you to search for a report or a folder. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Find what

Specifies the search content, which can be report or folder name, or report keywords. Input the text you want to search for in the text box directly.

If you just input part of the report or folder name, or report keywords, use * to replace the other part of the name or keywords, take the report name EmployeeInformation for example, if you just input infor and want to search for this report, input *Infor* in the text box.


Specifies the searching criteria, by name, by keywords or by name or keywords.


Specifies to search for a folder.


Specifies to search for a report.

Look in

Specifies the search path.

Match Case

Limits the search to text that exactly matches the case of the search text.

Include Subfolders

If checked, the search results includes subfolders.

Search Now

Begins the search process.


Cancels the search process and closes the dialog.

New Search

Refreshes this dialog in order to set a new search.


Displays the help documentation.