This dialog appears when you right-click a web control in the configuration panel of a library component and select Web Behaviors > Sort from the shortcut menu. It helps you to build a Sort web behavior to the web control so as to sort data of the library component at runtime. See the dialog.
The following are details about options in the dialog:
Apply Action To
Specifies to which component to apply the sort action. Select the desired component from the drop-down list.
Adds a new sort criterion.
Removes the selected sort criterion.
Moves the selected sort criterion up a step.
Moves the selected sort criterion down a step.
Sort On
Specifies which field to be sorted on. Which fields are available here depends on which object you choose from the Apply Action To drop-down list. Select the field you want to sort on from the drop-down list.
Sort Value
Specifies the value of how to sort on the field. It could be Ascending or Descending, or be specified by the value of a web control.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays the help document about this feature.