Query Modifier Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Query Modifiers node and select Add Query Modifier from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to create a query modifier which can be specified via the Engine Bean in order to generate report on different data. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Specifies the name of the query modifier.


Specifies the type of the query modifier, Structure or String.


Specifies the query in the catalog to build or edit the query modifier.

Show Query

Shows the information of the query that is used.

Editing area

Specifies the query modifier in the editing area. When editing the String type query modifier, a text editor will be shown and you can key in the WHERE clause. When editing the Structure type query modifier, a condition editor will be displayed and you can construct the query modifier using the buttons provided.


Closes this query modifier dialog and accepts the changes.


Checks the validation of the query modifier according to the query. The validation of a query modifier is defined as: all the fields and formulas referred to by the query modifier are available to the chosen query. The validation check will also ensure that the query modifier can work with the specified query.


Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.

Show SQL

Displays the string of the Query Modifier.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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