Publish to Local Directory dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Local Directory on the menu bar. It helps you to publish catalogs and reports locally. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

From Catalog

Specifies the catalog of the report to be published. Input the name with its full path of the catalog file or click the Browse button to search it in the Open Catalog File dialog.

Select Report

Lists all the reports of the selected catalog. Select the reports you want to publish by highlighting them.

Adds the highlighted reports from the Select Report list to the list on the right.

Removes the highlighted reports from the list in the right to the Select Report list.

Adds all the reports in the Select Report list to the list in the right.

Removes all the reports from the list in the right to the Select Report list.

To Local Directory

Specifies the directory where the catalog and reports are to be published to. Type the directory in the text box or click Browse to find a directory in the Get Directory dialog.

Note: You can type a directory that does not exist, and JReport Designer will create the new directory automatically.


Retains the changes and returns to the previous page.


Retains the changes and go to the next page to view and modify the connection properties:


Saves the changes and makes JReport Designer publish the catalog and reports.


Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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