Parameter Run Time Order dialog

The dialog appears when you select the Parameters node or any parameter in the Catalog Browser resource tree and click the Sort Parameter button on the Catalog Browser toolbar, or click Edit > Parameter Order on the menu bar with a report open. It helps you to adjust the order of parameters displayed in the parameter value specifying page. You can set the order either at catalog level or report level. See the dialog.


Lists the parameters of all the data sources in the catalog or report. To adjust the order of the parameters, make use of the Move Up and Move Down buttons, or simply drag and drop a parameter.


If you are setting the order for a catalog, this option is used to apply the Sort setting in the Options dialog > Category panel. If for a report, this option is used to go back to the order for the catalog.

Move Up

Moves a selected parameter closer to the first.

Move Down

Moves a selected parameter further away from the first.


Accepts the change of the order and closes the dialog.


Cancels the change of the order and exists the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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