
The following are details about options of this category. The format properties set here will be applied to all columns in a catalog. See the dialog.

Data Type

Specifies the data type of the columns.


Specifies the format of the columns.


Specifies the font properties of the column contents.


Specifies properties of the column border.


Specifies the color for the background of the columns.

Null Display

If there is no value in a column, JReport will display NULL as default. You can also set what will be displayed when there is no value in the column by inserting the mouse in the Report Inspector and inputting a value.

Pattern Style

Specifies the pattern for the columns.

Pattern Color

Specifies the color to draw the pattern.


Specifies the spaces between the contents of a column and its borders.

Note: Values specified here will be applied when data columns are added to a catalog. You can adjust the values for each column in the Catalog Browser, or after the columns are added to reports in the Report Inspector.