Open Report dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Open or File > Import From > JReport Page Report on the menu bar, or click the Open button on the standard toolbar. It helps you to open a report (page report or web report) or a library component, or import report tabs from existing page reports into current page report. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Shows the directory of the default catalog that is being used now. You can also click the Browse button to specify a new one.

Note: If you are going to import report tabs into current page report, you can only choose from page reports of the same catalog. In this case, the Browse button is disabled.

Reports tab

Specifies one or more reports to open.

Recent tab

Lists all the reports that have been opened recently.


Opens the selected reports and closes the dialog. If a self-contained page report is selected, the Open As dialog will appear, asking you to specify the way in which the report will be opened.


Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.


Displays the help document about this feature.