Export to PDF dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > PDF on the menu bar. It helps you to export a report to PDF format. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Specifies the destination directory where the exported PDF file will be placed.

File Name

Specifies the name of the exported PDF file. If you do not type a name, JReport will use the report name as the PDF file name.

No Margin

Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the report was designed.


Specifies whether to include a Table of Contents (TOC) in the exported PDF file.


Specifies whether to generate the report result to a PDF file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.


Specifies whether to encrypt the PDF file. Click the Setting button to configure the encrypt settings in the Encrypt dialog.


Specifies whether to add the digital sign to the PDF file. Click the Setting button to configure the sign settings in the Sign Digital ID dialog.

Compress Image

If checked, the size of the images or pictures in the report will be compressed to the specified proportion of its original size.

Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended)

If selected, charts, UDOs and barcodes in the report will be exported to common pictures, which will look dimmed and the file size may be relatively large. But, the transparency property is supported.

Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics

If selected, charts, UDOs and barcodes in the report will be exported to vector graphics, which will not be anamorphic when it is zoomed out or zoomed in. But, the transparency property is not supported.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the exported PDF file. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


Applies all changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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