Dataset Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Dataset Filter button on the toolbar of the Resource View panel. It helps you to set filter conditions for a dataset. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Add Condition

Adds a new condition line.


Deletes the selected condition line.


Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.


Makes the selected condition ungrouped.


Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.


Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.


Lists the logic operator.


Specifies the field to be filtered.


Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.


Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click next to the text box to specify the value.

When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if "," or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".

When you click to specify the value, the Expressions dialog is displayed. The following are options in the dialog:

SQL Statement

Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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