Bursting dialog

The dialog appears when you click Report > Bursting on the menu bar. It helps you to make a normal report become a bursting report. See the dialog.

Enable Bursting Report

Specifies whether to enables the bursting options.

Schema Name

Lists the names of the bursting schemas for the report.

When a schema name is selected, the schema's bursting information is displayed in the Mapping and Recipient sections below, and by double-clicking a schema name you can rename it.


Creates a bursting schema for the report. You need define the schema's Mapping and Recipient information.


Removes a selected schema in the Schema Name box.


Specifies the relationship between the bursting key and recipient for the selected schema.


Defines the formats of recipient addresses for the selected schema.


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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