Add View dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Views node and select Add View from the shortcut menu, or right-click a view and click New View on the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to add views into a JReport catalog. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Database Catalogs

Lists all the catalogs in the database.


Lists the schemas you have selected in the Schema tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.

Show all Schemas

If checked, all schemas in the current catalog will be shown in the Schema box.


Lists the views contained in the selected schema after you click the Load Views button.


Shows the name of the current connection.

View Name Pattern

Specifies whether to filter the views according to the specified filtering condition.

Include System View

If checked, system views will become available in the Views box.

Include Added View

If checked, views that have been added to the catalog will become available in the Views box. You can then add them into the catalog again with a different name.

Load Views

Loads the views contained in the specified schema to the Views box.


Adds the selected views to the JReport catalog.


Completes the adding views process and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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