Add Stored Procedures dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a JDBC connection node and then click Add Stored Procedure from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It displays all the stored procedures in the database, and allows you to select stored procedures for adding to a catalog. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Database Catalog

Lists all the catalogs in the database.

Stored Procedures

Lists all the stored procedures in a three level tree. The top level is SQL-catalog, second is SQL-schema and the third are stored procedures. You can select one or more stored procedures to add to the catalog.

Note: Not all DBMSs support database stored procedures. In this case, you may see nothing in the box.

Not all stored procedures will return data usable by JReport. The stored procedure needs to return a result set.


Adds the selected stored procedures to the catalog.


Applies all changes and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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