Add Data dialog

This dialog appears when you do either of the following:

It helps you to add resources to use in a query or a business cube. See the dialog.

All Data

List all the tables, views, queries, imported SQLs, stored procedures, and user defined data sources in the current data source that can be added to the query or business cube.

When two resources (for example, a table and a view) use the same name, they cannot be added at the same time, and when a table is already contained in a query, you cannot add the table and the query at the same time.

Selected data

Lists all the added resources.

Adds the selected resources from the left box to the right box.

Removes the selected resources from the right box.


Adds the selected resources to the current query or business cube. When a query, imported SQL, stored procedure or user defined data source is added, it will be added as a single table with all of its columns.


Exits the dialog and discards the setting.


Displays the help document of this feature.

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