Data Source Connections

JReport Designer requires access to your data source so that it can import the database schema, which allows JReport to automatically build the queries that provide the data for the report. Data source connections are defined, named, and stored in the catalog along with the reports and other resources that use them.

JReport is extremely efficient when working with data sources that are in a relational database software. The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Java Database Connectivity - Open Database Connectivity (JDBC-ODBC) connections are the basic approaches for connecting to a database for data. Other data source types can also be accessed.

This chapter describes the following categories of data source connection-related tasks:

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that have examples of different data source connections. Open the following report to see the connection examples: <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\DataSourceConnections.cls.