Using navigation control to undo/redo value selection in filter controls
A navigation control can be considered as an accessorial control for filter controls and is used to deal with the value selection operations in all the filter controls in the same report.
To insert a navigation control into a report, do either of the following:
- Drag Navigation Control from the Toolbox panel to the destination.
- Click Insert > Web Controls > Filter Control on the menu bar, then point to the destination where you want to add the navigation control and click the mouse button.
- On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
and select Filter Control from the drop-down list, then point to the destination and click the mouse button.
A navigation control is a combination of three buttons:
- Back
Goes back to the previous value selection status and refreshes the report data accordingly.
- Clear
Removes all the value selection histories and all the filter conditions based on the selections, and refreshes the report data accordingly.
- Forward
Goes forward to the next value selection status and refreshes the report data accordingly.
By default, these three buttons are displayed as normal buttons, however, you can change their button type to be image button if necessary. To do this:
- Select the target button, right-click it and select Button Type > Image Button from the shortcut menu.
- In the Image Button dialog, click Browse to specify the path or input the URL of the image source directly in the text field.
- Click OK to confirm.
If you want to get back the normal button type, you just need to right-click the target image button, and select Normal Button from the Button Type submenu.