A gauge chart can be formatted to take some special appearances. The formatting options vary with the subtypes: Gauge Dial 2-D, Gauge Bar 2-D, and Gauge Bubble 2-D.
To format a dial gauge chart:
In the Circular box, set the start angle and stop angle of the dials, the dial curve style, the width of the dials, and the relative size of a dial. In the Pointer box, set the pointer style and arrow style. In the Color Range box, specify whether or not to fill the dial with colors, and if to fill, set the minimum and maximum values, color, and name for the three predefined ranges in each dial.
To add a web behavior line, click , and if a web behavior is not required, click to remove it.
Click or to adjust the order of the behaviors. Then, when an event that has been bound with more than one action happens, the upper action will be triggered first.
The web actions you can bind to the dial gauges include Filter, Sort, Parameter, Property and SendMessage. For details about these web actions, refer to Applying web actions to a label.
To format a bar gauge chart:
In the Option box, decide the layout of the scales in the gauge chart. In the Range Border box, set the color, style, transparency, and thickness of the scale borders. In the Color Range box, specify the minimum and maximum values, color, and name for the three predefined ranges in each scale.
To add a web behavior line, click , and if a web behavior is not required, click to remove it.
Click or to adjust the order of the behaviors. Then, when an event that has been bound with more than one action happens, the upper action will be triggered first.
The web actions you can bind to the bar gauges include Filter, Sort, Parameter, Property and SendMessage. For details about these web actions, refer to Applying web actions to a label.
To format a bubble gauge chart:
In the Option box, set the left margin, top margin, relative radius of the bubbles, and whether or not to draw horizontal/vertical grids. In the Value box, specifies the minimum and maximum values for the color range. The values will be equally divided into three ranges, each of which will be filled with the color you specify in the Color Range box automatically. Values beyond the minimum and maximum will be filled with grey color by default. You can also specify the minimum and maximum values for each color range as you want.
To add a web behavior line, click , and if a web behavior is not required, click to remove it.
Click or to adjust the order of the behaviors. Then, when an event that has been bound with more than one action happens, the upper action will be triggered first.
The web actions you can bind to the bubble gauges include Filter, Sort, Parameter, Property and SendMessage. For details about these web actions, refer to Applying web actions to a label.
See also the following dialogs for detailed explanation about options in each dialog: