Modifying a banded object
Once a banded object has been created, you can further modify it by accessing its shortcut menu wizard which is composed by a set of screens that are similar to the wizard screens used to create the banded object. For example, you can change the data or even the dataset used by the banded object, apply some grouping, sorting criteria to the banded object, and so on.
To modify a banded object after it has been created:
- Right-click the banded object and select Banded Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the Banded Wizard.
- In the Data screen, specify a new dataset for the banded object if required.
- In the Display screen, specify the fields you want to display in the banded object and define how data will be sorted in the banded object.
- In the Group screen, specify the grouping criteria, and then the sorting direction of each group level for the banded object.
- In the Style screen, select the style you want to apply to the banded object.
- Upon finishing, click Finish to accept the changes.
- Due to the specialty of hierarchical data sources, you are not allowed to specify an HDS as the new dataset of the banded object.
- In the Group screen, the newly added fields will be put to the end of the existing fields, and you cannot re-adjust the order of the fields as you did when creating the banded object.
- When you have specified a new dataset for the banded object, if there are existing fields in the banded object that cannot be found in the new dataset, they will be marked with a red cross icon. You can use the Replace button
to select fields from the new dataset to replace them. Then when you finish the modification, the new dataset and fields you specify will be displayed in the banded object and those remaining fields that cannot be matched to fields in the new dataset will be removed from the banded object automatically.