RMI demos
Here are some demo RMI programs that JReport provides. They are available in <install_root>\help\samples\APIRemoteServer
- RemoteAPIDemoFileService.java
A demo about using remote report server.
- RemoteAPIDemoPublishRpt.java
A demo about publishing reports. You can submit a schedule to export a report to version, disk, or e-mail.
- RemoteAPIDemoRunAndExportReport.java
A demo about running reports and exporting report result to other formats.
- RemoteAPIDemoRunReportWithTimeout.java
A demo about the Large Report Manager. This demo runs a report and marks it as a large report by setting the timeout value, and then returns the large report information.
Before running these demos, remember to do the following:
- Modify the server.properties file in the
directory to set the property server.rmiserver.enable to true.
- Add
to the command line that starts the required program.
- You need to set the classpath environment variable. Append the following jar files to the class path that compile and run applications which call the Server API: