Installing the Page Report Studio API

When you install JReport Server, JReport Server API including the Page Report Studio API is also installed at the same time. After installation, you have the following files:

JReport Server API classes are stored in the archive file JRESServlets.jar.

You will need to set the classpath environment variable. Append the following jar files to your class path that compile and run applications which call the Server API:

For Server:

<install_root>\lib\JRESServlets.jar; <install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar; <install_root>\lib\servlet.jar; <install_root>\lib\hsqldb.jar; <install_root>\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar; <install_root>\lib\sac.jar; <install_root>\lib\commons-codec-1.2.jar; <install_root>\lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar; <install_root>\lib\quartz-all-1.6.5.jar; <install_root>\derby\lib\derby.jar; <install_root>\derby\lib\derbyclient.jar; <install_root>\derby\lib\derbynet.jar; <install_root>\derby\lib\derbytools.jar;

For Page Report Studio, also include:


Note: If you are not using Derby as your Server DBMS, you need to replace the Derby libraries with the JDBC driver for your DBMS system.